The One Year Daily Haiku Project

June 1998

Umbrella not found,
ventured outside without one;
of course, I got wet.

[Calgary, Jun 1st]
Jenni gets more press;
my server slowly sags.
How much can it bear?

[Calgary, Jun 2nd]
Turbulent river,
cloudy, lowering, grey skies,
a chill in the air.

[Calgary, Jun 3rd]
A problem carries
the seeds to its solution;
but how to find them?

[Calgary, Jun 4th]
At dusk, in the west
gradations of blue/pink clouds
hide the dying sun.

[Calgary, Jun 5th]
Out of a clear sky
clouds, thunder, lightening and hail;
later - clear again.

[Calgary, Jun 6th]
Time zones and locales,
the net envelops the globe.
What time is it really?

[Calgary, Jun 7th]
Hot and bright outside,
my day was all spent inside.
Need to do better!

[Calgary, Jun 8th]
Too tiny a day -
how did so much get packed in?
Then there's tomorrow.

[Calgary, Jun 9th]
Recent rain's dampness,
birds atwitter all around,
soft pink hue at dawn.

[Calgary, Jun 10th]
Two authors reading -
a glimpse into other lives,
other histories.

[Calgary, Jun 11th]
Suddenly it's dark.
Another day has been used;
but what have I gained?

[Calgary, Jun 12th]
Black-clad flying feet,
Irish and Scottish dancing;
my feet just couldn't.

[Calgary, Jun 13th]
Sunny all morning,
late afternoon brings thunder;
it's Stampede weather.

[Calgary, Jun 14th]
Choir, orchestra
suspended in the silence
before the applause.

[Calgary, Jun 15th]
Old man sits reading;
two dogs, alert and friendly,
do all the begging.

[Calgary, Jun 16th]
Kick-off meeting's done;
seeds are set, ideas bloom;
high hopes, bright future.

[Calgary, Jun 17th]
Start home - light drizzle.
Halfway - torrential downpour.
Inside - rain has stopped.

[Calgary, Jun 18th]
Migration again -
another new web site host.
Change for the better?

[Calgary, Jun 19th]
Composing the ads
for our pipe organ concerts,
I'll now have to go.

[Calgary, Jun 20th]
Afternoon is hot,
slaving away on software;
computer's hotter.

[Calgary, Jun 21st]
Slanting golden light
prepares one for the new day
and later ends it.

[Calgary, Jun 22nd]
Sunlight, rain glistens.
Two blues, each owns half the sky.
The best of both worlds?

[Calgary, Jun 23rd]
Waiting late at night
for those once again delayed,
energy withers.

[Calgary, Jun 24th]
Thousands of whistles,
great tonal and timbral range,
thought out long ago.

[Calgary, Jun 25th]
Some may wonder why
Jenni's such an attraction;
we already know.

[Calgary, Jun 26th]
Mixed and cloudy skies,
threatened torrents were promised;
they never appear.

[Calgary, Jun 27th]
Dreary overcast;
fresh, moist, enclosed, protected;
beautiful soft light.

[Calgary, Jun 28th]
Soft misty morning,
gold fog clings to the river
and bathes the city.

[Calgary, Jun 29th]
Running very fast,
never getting further on,
almost falling back.

[Calgary, Jun 30th]