The One Year Daily Haiku Project

May 1998

How can we be
hot, sweaty and dusty

[Calgary, May 1st]
seems not to mean
lack of complexity.

[Calgary, May 2nd]
river pathways
with runners
and skaters.

[Calgary, May 3rd]
Cherry blossoms,
teach us
here too.

[Calgary, May 4th]
Smoke plumes
stretch across
half a province
to obscure our skies.

[Calgary, May 5th]
Forest fire,
site burns,
no backups,
ingenuity required.

[Calgary, May 6th]
Red glowering orb,
parched grass crunches underfoot,
soft pink petals fall.

[Calgary, May 7th]
Four coloured voices,
lieder - sad and dramatic,
bliss to the untrained.

[Calgary, May 8th]
Chatting at the sales
in lanes, garages and yards
making other friends.

[Calgary, May 9th]
A train of neurons
has remembered my bass part
better than I can.

[Calgary, May 10th]
Donning wooden clogs,
red shirt and baggy black pants
I'm a Dutchman now.

[Calgary, May 11th]
Cherry, apple, rose,
blossoms in countless colours,
each one of them pink.

[Calgary, May 12th]
Late for the singing,
in a rush, all other thoughts
flee away from my mind.

[Calgary, May 13th]
Intense varied greens
mute all other spring colours;
May rains have begun.

[Calgary, May 14th]
Questionned by lawyers,
what I think is the whole truth
still remains hidden.

[Calgary, May 15th]
Long enough to cut,
green grass lush and beautiful;
now the chore awaits.

[Calgary, May 16th]
The whirling reel sounds,
mown grass is tossed in the air,
scent of memories.

[Calgary, May 17th]
Petals have fallen;
bees engender our desire
for fruit in the fall.

[Calgary, May 18th]
The path seems straightest
just before chaos appears
at a sudden turn.

[Calgary, May 19th]
An elusive scent
and for a second or two,
Grandmother's garden.

[Calgary, May 20th]
Attention is great
and creation is joyful;
but bandwidth gets used.

[Calgary, May 21st]
Dark-blue clouded skies,
grey-white buildings in the rain,
greens blossom below.

[Calgary, May 22nd]
Heavy overcast;
then clouds break, drift and lessen,
the warm sun peers through.

[Calgary, May 23rd]
A day back in time,
steam train and paddle wheeler,
a measure of rest.

[Calgary, May 24th]
One cooling control;
always too hot or too cold
in two offices.

[Calgary, May 25th]
Brass blare, winds caress,
orchestra mates with chorus,
music becomes whole.

[Calgary, May 26th]
Torrential downpour,
misty drizzle and light rain
in sequence all day.

[Calgary, May 27th]
Exciting new work,
so many different threads,
my mind is on fire.

[Calgary, May 28th]
Inside looking out
designing, coding, surfing
sunrise to sunset.

[Calgary, May 29th]
Grass grows thick and high;
sun, rain and fertilizer
have had their effect.

[Calgary, May 30th]
Chopped off heads fly up,
bodies sliced to tiny bits;
die dandelions!

[Calgary, May 31st]